Mission Statement

The mission of the Andover Garden Club is to organize the cultivation and interest in gardening, to aid in the beautification of the town of Andover, to aid in the protection and the conservation of our natural resources, and to encourage the study of horticulture and landscape and floral design. The AGC is organized exclusively for charitable, educational and/or scientific purposes under section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, operating during the fiscal year July 1 to June 30

Membership is open to everyone

You do not have to be a resident of the Town of Andover to become a member of the Andover Garden Club. 

Andover Garden Club is a Member of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc. and the National Council of State Garden Clubs, Inc.

Meetings/ Dues / committees

General Meetings:

General Meetings are held at South Church in Andover at 10 a.m. on the first Tuesday of the month from October through May, unless members are notified otherwise.


Active members shall pay dues of $55.00 annually. Members who join the club from May 1st to January 31st shall pay full regular dues. Members who join the club February, March and April shall pay the guest fee /donation for the meetings they attend. Dues for the upcoming year are collected at the May meeting.


Andover Garden Club Requires members to actively participate on at least one committee for the first two years of membership. The Membership Committee chair will provide each new member with a list of committees that include a description of their purpose and duties and answer any questions you may have. New members must let the Membership Chair know their committee (s) of choice by the end of the first month.

become a member - we would love your company

For any general questions about Andover Garden Club, please press CONTACT/QUESTIONS  and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

We honor your privacy. No information will be shared beyond this site. 

Membership Application Form

Purchase Annual Membership Dues by Credit Card

Annual membership dues can be paid online by credit card by clicking below and filling out the form.